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animal husbandry 畜牧業,家畜學。

animal kingdom

Some thoughts about the present livestock and animal husbandry development in bingtuan 對當前兵團畜牧業發展的思考

Two worked examples in animal husbandry were given for demonstration 并各列舉了1個畜牧方面的試驗演示其分析過程。

Examining animal husbandry in north pasturing area of china by eco - economics 中國北方牧區草原牧業生態經濟學透視

Animal waste management and clean production technology in animal husbandry 動物廢棄物管理與畜牧業清潔生產技術

Animal husbandry veterinary medicine 畜牧與獸醫

Animal husbandry and feed science 畜牧與飼料科學

The120000mongolians here are engaged exclusively in animal husbandry 這里的萬蒙古族人民完全從事畜牧業。

The animal husbandry of guangdong relies mainly on raising pig and poultry 廣東畜牧業以飼養生豬和家禽為主。

Discussion on the structure adjustment of animal husbandry of guangdong province 廣東畜牧業結構調整問題探討

Minimum distances between animal husbandry farm and local water supply 規模化畜禽場距離民用取水點的最小距離

Technical advisor for animal husbandry 養殖技術顧問

Animal husbandry amp; veterinary medicine 畜牧與獸醫

Developing the grass and animal husbandry have bright prospects in poor areas 貧困地區發展草畜產業大有可為

On the cyclic economy of grass planting and animal husbandry in loess plateau 論黃土高原區草畜產業循環經濟

By yi jinsuo , agriculture and animal husbandry bureau of horinger county , imar 內蒙古和林縣農牧業局伊金鎖

China animal husbandry veterinary medicine 中國畜牧獸醫

Recalling the development of animal husbandry in 2006 and prospect in 2006年畜牧業發展回顧及2007年展望

And the agriculture and animal husbandry bureau of imar 和內蒙古農牧廳合作執行的農業項目的進展情況。

Minimum distances between animal husbandry farm and private buildings 規模化畜禽場距離民房的最小距離